TDI V6 BlueMotion Tech Altitude Tiptronic 4WD Euro 5
- Year/Month: 2011/0
- Stock ID: T120715
- Transmission: Automatic
- CC: 3000
- Mileage: 171000
- Fuel Type: Diesel
The first thing to do, both in the case of heat issue in the VW Bluemotion cars for sale is to stop the car, thus avoiding causing even serious damage. At this point, we can investigate the causes of the problem. In the first case overheating is caused by a temporary effort on the part of the car and the solution is very simple.
To Facilitate The Process
There is only a need to rest the vehicle, turning off the engine and letting the temperature go down. To facilitate this process it is recommended to stay away from other cars (they represent heat sources) and open the vehicle hood. Please note, this is only possible after waiting a while; the temperature should be allowed to go down. Once the car has cooled you can try to get it started. If you encounter problems in starting it is advisable not to insist to avoid "flooding" the engine. At that point it may be necessary to wait again, probably the car is still not cold enough. The other causes of overheating of the engine instead could be more serious and the simple cooling will not be enough. the hood will have to be opened to verify the origin of the problem. Remember to be very careful. It is good not to open it immediately because the temperature of the components could be very high and sudden leaks of fumes and vapors could cause serious burns.Â
Necessary To Observe
If the problem concerns the level of the coolant you can act autonomously by topping it up with water; to understand if this action is necessary it will be sufficient to observe the tank in which it is contained; there are always signs that indicate the minimum value above which the liquid should be. The loss of coolant is the most common factor among the causes of overheating but they are not the only ones; the underlying issues this symptom may be very numerous and far more complex. In this case, it may be necessary to use the wrecker. The owners of recent car models will be the lucky ones; the problem of overheating is not very common for injection engines; in this case, the fuel remains inside the injectors and the high pressure that is created goes to prevent the formation of excess steam.
A Way To Do
As it is obvious that, Stop the car and vehicle is the best thing that can be done in this situation, but unfortunately it is not always possible to do it safely. Here are some tips to behave in the  correct way when just stopping is not an option such as drive slowly and stop,  whenever the red temperature light comes on to allow cooling and then start again; try to drive at a constant speed , avoiding sudden and accelerated braking; drive with the windows open without operating the air conditioning (this is another engine effort factor); switch on the heat option, so that the hot air is sucked in by the engine inside the passenger compartment of the car. These are a precise overview about the notion; however, before pay the VW Bluemotion cars price, a used car buyer need to check the vehicle in details.