1.6 Gdi Hybrid Premium 5Dr Dct
- Year/Month: 2017/0
- Stock ID: T120192
- Transmission: Automatic
- CC: 1600
- Mileage: 66970
- Fuel Type: Hybrid / Petrol
If you are interested to buy Hyundai Santa Fe 2013 for sale, do you know that what are the advantages of self-driving cars? it is clear that the large-scale dissemination of these cars could have significant effects on individual productivity, allowing people to work and communicate even while on the move. However, the impacts from a social and health point of view are, of course, even more important.Â
Loop Holes
Please note that serious accidents are due to human errors or wrong choices, such as drunk driving or distraction. Autonomous driving cars may be able to remove all of these accidents, remaining vulnerable only to mechanical problems, which however given the continuous connection could be kept under control. So, the fear that hangs over these vehicles is the possibility of cybercrime hacking, which could even take control of these vehicles for blackmail purposes. Although such a scenario cannot be discarded, it is clear that hacking unmanned cars will prove to be a very burdensome task, since the operation of these cars will be based on an extensive network of sensors and communications. So, who's behind the unmanned cars? The names are different and are certainly not attributable exclusively to the automotive sector.Â
Innovation Process
Indeed probably the company that currently is ahead of all is Google, which has been investing in the driverless world and which has made considerable progress over time with its company Waymo, now close to the launch of small minivans for transport public in Phoenix. However, if you want to see the discussed tech in your car, you should prepare to pay additional Hyundai Santa Fe 2013 price. Besides, the other names of car brands that have developed prototypes or invested in the sector it is possible to tell the brand identities like Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, Continental Automotive Systems, Autoliv Inc., Bosch, Nissan, Toyota and Audi. Uber is also very interested in the development of self-driving cars, which is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into projects of this type, with the intention of eliminating what is currently its main cost item i.e. the quota granted to drivers.Â
Attention Required
Tesla is also very active on this front, while Apple has recently decided to cut the funds and the staff dedicated to its project on the project that was titled as Titan. However, there is need to be very very attentive such as The software at the base of autonomous driving vehicles should be able to perceive the surrounding environment,  should determine the exact position on the road and should decide how to behave in a given situation. The perception, in essence, is ensured by the combination of data from the various vehicle sensors, such as radars and cameras. The real-time position is ensured by the presence on the software of ultra-detailed maps, which allow the car to establish its position at * lower level.